Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter 2010

(Trying to play catch-up with posting!)

The girls were able to participate much more this year in the Easter celebration. We tried our best to teach them the true importance of Easter- kinda hard to put death on a 2-year old level. They were really into the Easter bunny and the candy. They had a party at their school that included an egg hunt and yummy cookies. We spent the weekend in Lubbock with G-pa and Gigi. They were able to help Gigi fill the eggs with goodies- there were definitely more eggs filled with candy versus goldfish! Here are a few pics from the school party and Lubbock. Enjoy!

(More pics on Flickr)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Beginnings

So ... I'm gonna try this again! After not posting since Christmas, I have had to start a whole new blog. I cannot log into the old one!!! I've tried every password that I have ever used anywhere, even tried following the directions for "missing accounts"- nothing worked. I have also decided to blog about our family, not just the girls. Sorry if this is a problem for anyone... don't worry, it will probably end up being mostly about the girls. I will be updating more regularly[ even if it is just the background or layout. Check back for more soon!